Saturday, March 7, 2009

Volunteer for the White House

As a huge proponent of volunteering, I feel a mild obligation to always plug opportunities that are out there - especially when they sound uber-interesting. Like most volunteers for the Obama campaign, I still get a fair share of emails from the campaign folks and this opportunity from DC for Obama caught my eye:

"The White House is currently in need of volunteers to help with the President's correspondence. Due to unprecedented levels of excitement around this Administration and the President's pledge of openness, they are being flooded with mail. Volunteers will assist White House staff in reading and responding to mail. This will happen each Thursday evening 6-9. Fill out the form if you are willing and able to help on a weekly basis."

As this sounds like a great opportunity, I won't be surprised if it fills up quickly.

Happy sorting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Joyce Small..and I would
like to volunteer for the Obamas
at the White House. Is there
someone out there who can contact
me at to help
me start this process? Thanks
Joyce Small Herndon, Va

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