Saturday, February 28, 2009

Giving an "A" for "Effort" to....

BRISTOL PALIN. Her recent disclosure that abstinence is "not realistic at all" was a huge hit. Let's take it to the next level and support sex education that prevents! Take this report card home to mom, kid...

(Photo copyright: bpende)


Sonya Behnke said...

I wonder how Mama Palin feels about this?

Unknown said...

I would guess not so good. I think she feels especially bad after polling so lowly at CPAC. How about Bobby Jindal's recent fall from grace too? Gingrich 2012 anybody? Yikes.

Kehinde A. Togun said...

Apparently Gov. Palin is now opposed to abstinence-only until marriage programs. She calls them, "naive."

Better late than ever I suppose ...

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