Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Priced Out

By Pilar Oberwetter

If Independent Sector (IS) is supposed to be the voice of the nonprofit sector, they need to explain, and ideally reconsider, the exorbitant fees that they charge to attend their annual conference. The cheapest rate—for a member organization who registers as an early bird—is $595. The cost rises as high as $1675 for a nonmember who signs up on the day-of. And these prices do not include cost of travel or hotel stay.

With finite budgets, small nonprofits, and even medium-sized ones, cannot afford these rates. Yet to develop a comprehensive message and strategy for mobilizing the sector, incorporating the perspective of these organizations is critical. If IS wants to capture the views of the entire nonprofit sector, the organization must make their conference more affordable.

True case in point-- the focus of the coming conference is on “strengthening the nonprofit community's ability to respond to the economic conditions facing our organizations and our communities.” IS, this Regenerate asks you to practice what you preach.

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